
Friday 28 October 2016

Band Reflection

Today I have created this to show others what we do in our school band.I got the opportunity to be in band because I like to play instruments like drums and Keyboard.

WALT write a reflection on band.

Writing reflection

Today I have written a reflection on writing that we did today before morning tea.the reason why we did writing was to test on how we write a story.

Celebrations-Events Bingo Reflection

 Today I have created this presentation to show the world different celebration all around the world.Many people help celebrate things like birthdays, thanksgiving because it makes others feel like their supported.

Maths task 2

Today I have just finished off my maths task.I finished this off because it was kinda easy to do .The hardest thing about this was figuring out the Metres.

WALT reflect on our maths.


For the last couple of weeks I have been working on Decimals.Decimals is one of the easy maths to do.I enjoy doing this because it helps me with other maths like fraction,Divisions and my time tables.

WALT write and reflect on our maths task

Thursday 27 October 2016

Muffin Reflection

Today we have made more muffins to sell to our school to fundraise for some of the students camp next month.I enjoy cooking because it it a cool experience for me to do.Im looking forward to next week because we get to do more cooking.

WALT write a reflection on cooking Muffins

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Kiwi Can Reflection

Today for kiwi can room 9 was learning all about Responsibility.Responsibility is important because  its all about showing respect to your self and others.

Persuasive writing Oreo Plan

WALT think critically about texts with increasing understanding and confidents

Success criteria
I can understand can understand what texts means by trying to retell the text in my own words.

Today for reading I have created this OREO chart to show others around the world 3 things that I have learned about myself over this school year.Please have a read of this and please give me feedback or/and feedforward thanks.

Friday 21 October 2016

MeMe and Me - Reading

Today for reading the Centaur group had to read a story and write a profile about the 2 characters that are in the story.My 2 characters that I wrote a profile about are MeMe and Nina.MeMe is the bad person and Nina is the good person.

WALT write a profile about the 2 characters.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Cooking Muffins

Today I have created this drawing on cooking muffins.Cooking Muffins is a hard job because it is hard really to measure how much mixture you need to put in the cooking tray.

Monday 17 October 2016

SSR - Australian beat Silver Ferns

Today for SSR I read an article about Australian beat Silver ferns.I think that this is shocking news because they have lost the game against the australian team.The points are stunning especially the Australian team.

KiwiSport Reflection

Today for kiwi sport we did basketball.One of the skills that I already know is how to dribble the ball properly.I like basketball because it is an active sport and it is a challenging sport.

Friday 14 October 2016

Utah Reflection

WALT write facts about a county that we have read before.

Today I have just finished off the google drawing on a county called Utah.These are my facts that I found out thats all about Utah.Please give me feedback or/and feed forward thanks.

Mali Reflection

WALT write a reflection on a country that we have read.

Today I have created this google drawing that show information and facts about Mali.Please read my Mali reflection and give me feedback or/and feedforward.Thank you.

Jamaica Reflection

WLAT write a reflection on a country that we have read.

This term I have beed reading different facts about different countries Today I have created this to show people all around the world facts about Jamaica.I have also add the flag to show others what their flag looks like.