
Tuesday 31 March 2015

Trip to Blenhiem

My trip to Blenheim

      This is about my trip to blenheim and what I did in Blenheim & Nelson.

What was the first thing I did in Blenheim?
When we arrived to blenhiem the first thing we did was visiting my causin.We stayed at my causin for 30 minutes,after that my family and I went to my auntys house just around the corner.When we arrived at my auntys she just finished work.My other aunty was at work still teaching.
What I did at my aunty house?
When I walked into my auntys door my aunty stopped me and said do you want to swim in the pool and I looked at her and said yes.When I jumped in she gave me rules.the rules were that weren't allowed to sit on the edge or do bombing.It was 16 digreas when I got in.
How many days have I stayed in Benheim?
I stayed in blenheim for 2 weeks with my family.We stayed at my aunts while we were there.We went to nelson to get my mums stuff sorted.We also spent 1 week at my uncles house.
These are some of the thing I did in Blenheim.
I helped my aunty sell food at the farmers market.I got to go and  meet my aunt's dad and her sibling at the dad factory.I also helped her at the school that she works at.I go to meet her mum and the animals that were at the back of the house.
Things I did in Nelson.
I went to the beach
I went shopping with my uncle
I went to the park
I went swimming and went to rabbit island
How were you feeling when you left Blenheim?
When we left blenheim I felt sad because I missed my aunty.she is the best of all.I missed her fun and her laugh.I also missed her art and the work that she offered me.I wrote a letter saying that i'll miss her and the things she done for me.

Created by Kahlicia Mehana

Friday 27 March 2015

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Monday 2 March 2015